Well, we had procrastinated long enough! Last week Laura and i finally broke down and bought our tickets to South Africa. It was pretty exciting, though, with a moment as anti-climactic as "did you check our credit card balance to make sure the purchase went through?!" it was hard to express the building excitement in words :)
For those of you who "need the info", we will be leaving Greensboro on June 10th and flying through New York on the way to London. We will be in London for about a day and a half before we finish our journey to Johannesburg, S. Africa. From there we will probably be booking passage in a van or on a bus to make the last leg of our journey. This should have us arriving at the final destination sometime midday on Saturday, June 13th.
We will be starting our journey home on July 29th. With another quick stop through London we will be getting home on July 31st right after midnight. Hopefully this will give us the whole day on the 31st to catch our bearings and maybe even try to figure out what timezone we're in! regardless, we are pretty friggin' excited!
So, it's really happening... we have plane tickets and our support is hovering around 95%. We have been so blessed as we have prepared for this journey and it seems like our lives are changing so much for something that will sadly only last two months. We are ready for the challenge and to be changed as much, if not more, than we are able to affect change itself.
If you still are planning on supporting us financially, or just want to send us snail mail, then please do so by the end of the week (May 29th) else we may not get it due to our upcoming move! despite our move, remember that you can get ahold of either Laura or I anytime via mikey@fissel.com or laura@fissel.com.
we love and cherish all of you who are sharing this adventure with us! thank you!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Encouragment & Support

Well, Laura and i just wanted to take the time to thank everyone who has written us with words of encouragement and support. We have been keeping all letters and notes and, until just recently, they were sitting on my desk in a pile. But, this past week we started packing things up to get ready to move out of our place at the end of the month and we decided that since everything was coming down off the walls, we would put up the letters and notes from all of you. Laura actually had this great idea, and went a step further to paste them around our hallway door frame so that we would see them everyday and be reminded of all of the people who are praying for, and supporting us on this new adventure.
so, as i said before, thank you so much... we could not do this without the love and encouragement each of you has given to us!
PS. We're at 81% support raised -- almost there!!!
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